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Welcome to our Home Page- here you'll see the latest & most interesting questions of the week.

Dear Jamie,

I think I'm pregnant. What are some signs?

The most common symptoms of pregnancy are as follows:

Nausea and Vomiting
Breast Tenderness
Frequent Urination
Feeling Tired / Sluggish
Missed Period / Light Bleeding
Dizziness and/or Fainting

But who are we kidding, the smart thing to do would be to just take a damn pregnancy test. By the way FYI: The test that they do at the doctors is no more accurate than the one you buy at Walgreens, so save yourself some major money if you don't have insurance, because lord knows you're going to need it later when you're trying to afford diapers.

Picture of the week...
One of my personal favorite parts of a woman.


Hey all, I just wanted to let you all know that this week I will be attempting to recover some of the lost content, and I will be restarting my blog as of tomorrow. If you have particular things that you would like me to try to recover, let me know and I will do my best. As for the blog, look forward to a long winded story of several sexual experiences with my boyfriend... yes, that's right readers, I'm finaly going to tell you how I like it.


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